Story-telling imagery for dog-loving

Business Leaders

in Raleigh, North Carolina

Teen girls snuggle their senior boxer dog
in-home veterinarian care in Raleigh with Azure Holland

Pets & Families

Savor the magic of the little things, the big loves and the imperfect moments that make the most remarkable memories. From newborns & puppies to senior pets and family moments and all the memories in between.


From TV reporter to portrait photographer my specialty combines my storytelling experience as a journalist and photographer to create branding images that are both aspirational and approachable.


Natural headshots you can’t upload to LinkedIn fast enough. Using the gentle touch of natural light with my ability to evoke  genuine expressions for you and your team with efficiency,  ease, and laughter.

Life doesn't have to be picture-perfect to be beautiful.

Life Happens Fast

Anyone with dogs and kids will tell you, life happens fast.

The days are long, but the years go by quickly.

Woman and shepherd dog walk on a path in tall green grass
Close-up portrait of a woman kissing her small dog on the side of his face while he looks at the camera

You Blink and the Years Go

Your puppy’s boopable snoot seems to have gone grey overnight.

Your squishy little baby is now walking and talking, tomorrow they’ll be graduating high school.

You blink and the years go… and suddenly you can’t remember a time when you weren’t covered in pet hair or responding to the constant needs of tiny humans.

In all this joyful chaos, I find myself ever grateful for the photographs.

Memories fade. Photos don’t

When I was a child I would look through boxes of old family photos for hours reliving moments I was sure I would never forget… But memories fade.

Thankfully the photos did not.

Woman and shepherd dog walk on a path in tall green grass
Woman and shepherd dog walk on a path in tall green grass

Life is worth documenting

As I’ve grown, I’ve learned that not life doesn’t have to be picture-perfect to be beautiful – but it deserves to be documented all the same.

That’s why I love telling real stories.

for dog-loving families and brands of all kinds.

Stories of love, laughter, loss, and life that pass in the blink of an eye.

Woman and shepherd dog walk on a path in tall green grass

Hey Y'all! I'm Tara Lynn

I’m a born-and-raised Southern gal and mom of three tiny humans and our rescue dog, Boone. (Forever mom to Baxter 2008-2023)

As a recovering TV news reporter (15+ years in the biz), the lens through which I view the world blends the romance of Southern hospitality with the realness of motherhood and the fleeting beauty of life that goes by faster than we think.

My vision is to turn your real-life moments into words, photographs, and heirloom artwork that become timeless keepsakes.


Because moments pass in the blink of an eye, and the photographs we take connect us to our memories and our great loves, forever.

Things that make me smile: Charleston, cheering on the Tar Heels and researching my next trip to Europe with my husband.